Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ChainChain ROOT trees in a list of files defined by a file pattern
Coinc2Set 2 trigger sets in coincidence
EventMapMap triggers
fflLoad frame files and access data in frames
fftWrap and optimize FFTW
GlitchCouplingStudy and characterize glitch-to glitch coupling between 2 trigger data sets
GlitchVetoStudy glitch-to glitch coupling between 2 trigger data sets
GwollumPlotInterface to draw and print ROOT objects
IIRFilterProduce an infinite impulse response filter
InjCoiRecover injections in a coinc set
InjEctInject signals in a data stream
InjGenGenerate a set of injections
InjReaRead a set of injections
InjRecRecover injections in a trigger set
InjTreManage injection TTree
IOParse option files
MakeTriggersWrite triggers on disk
MorphMatchCompute morphology match of coinc events
NetworkManage networks of streams
NtupleCombine tuples (Tuple)
OinjectInject sinusoidal Gaussian waveforms
OmapCreate a time-frequency map
OmicronProcess data with the Omicron algorithm
OplotPlot Omicron triggers
OqplaneCreate a time-frequency Q-plane
OtileConstruct and apply a time-frequency-Q analysis
ReadAsciiParse text files with columns
ReadTriggerMetaDataAccess meta-data in trigger files
ReadTriggersRead trigger files
ReadTriggerSegmentsAccess segments in trigger files
SampleTransform a discrete time series
SearchPerform and evaluate a GW search
SearchReadRead output files from a search
SearchTuneTune a GW search
SegmentsHandle time segment lists
SpectrumCompute data spectra
StreamsManage streams
TriggerBufferCreate and manage a buffer for triggers
TriggerPlotPlot triggers
TriggersManage a trigger set
TriggerSelectSelect trigger parameters
TupleBuild tuples
ZPGFilterProduce a filter defined by a set of zeros, poles and a gain factor
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Friends Defines

Generated on 29 Sep 2016 by  doxygen 1.6.1